Wednesday, March 14, 2007

We Surrender, All!

Last night, my wife of nearly 15 years and I came together and both felt frustrated by the whole house thing. I didn't know what to do. As you read in my post yesterday, i was beginning to be in a panic. What is God trying to teach me in all of this? We're following His will and plan for our lives, laying down our lives for Jesus and following His plan for us. So why with all the house stuff going on was this getting so frustrating to us to the point we couldn't even think straight? I could only answer with one thing. Open communication, with my wife and the Lord.

The thing that really brought all this panic was the fact that the contract we had did exactly what we had a feeling it might do, fall through. The lady we dealt with was very shaky in our negotiations, and very wishy-washy, hence forth our uneasiness. I was mad, my wife was mad, and we were confused and panicking even more with this news.

That night, after we put the kids to bed, we turned the T.V. off, and sat on the couch to talk. Through all the busy-ness in our lives, we rarely get the chance to talk uninterrupted, and then when we can, we're too exhausted to communicate. (Anyone been here before?) I had been really thinking on how we need to change our attitude toward prayer. I brought up the fact that maybe we hadn't been praying with the right intentions, and surrendering the entire situation to God. Through many tears and a little arguing with each other about how our prayers should have already been good enough for God to have our house sold and we could move on to the next preparations in our life, we agreed that we had submitted and surrendered 90% of the situation, and thought the rest was our deal. We had to hold up our end. I said that even if we gave up 99.999999% of our situation to Him, it wasn't enough. We needed to surrender ALL! We prayed for Jesus to take this burden off us and handle it, that it was ALL in His hands. What a feeling of relief!

Today, as I came home, we received a call from our agent, saying that a lady had drove by our house, and called the number on the sign saying she wanted to look at it that day. She looked, and loved it. She then went to a mortgage lender to see if she could be qualified for the loan to buy, because she really wanted to buy our house. Amazing!

I'm not jumping to conclusions that she is the one who will buy, and close on our house, but God sure showed His power today, and showed His faithfulness to our cries. We will continue to pray and ask God to bless the situation, and trust that His timing is perfect and always on time. I thank you for your concerns, prayers and encouragements through this stressful time in my family's life. Thank you! By the way, does anyone want to help move? Just kidding! I'll take prayer and encouragement any day!

In Christ,


Darrell said...

SAM it is nice to know that I am not the only one who has these kinds of struggles! We have 7 blessings and one more on the way. Finding time where my wife and I can talk is a challange.

Praise God that He has given you His peace in the midst of the storm. No doubt God is growing you because He has great plans for you!

I will continue to pray about the house. I hope this is the person who will buy it!

Alyce Faulkner said...

SAM, I think I'm caught up now with your blog and have a better sense of your journey. I'm sure glad I found out about you and where you post so I can stay updated and send me info. My church has committed to pray for missions and missionaries. We will continually pray for you-you can be sure of that.
God bless you and your family.