Monday, June 18, 2007


What a crazy time it has been since I last updated. Here is what's been happening-

Our prayer meeting at the house went very well. It was an incredible time to come together and receive prayer over our house. About 15 people came and we lifted our house to the Lord. One incredible thing happened- we began to pray for the people who would soon be living in our house! I began to realize that we have been limiting our prayer to only ourselves. We prayed not only for the house to sell, but we prayed that the family that would soon occupy this house would be blessed as we have been these last 8 years. I have been praying this, as well as for the people on the street to be blessed by God as well. I have really begun to see that there is a much larger picture and plan that God has in store for the house that belongs to Him anyway. Thank you to all who came that night, and to those who prayed from afar.

We received an offer last weekend from a couple from Las Vegas, who are moving here with new careers. Great news! Only problem was that they were moving here in August and wanted to close August 15. We will leave for FPO in Richmond August 5. They gave a full price offer with us paying 4% closing cost. We agreed to all, and put in the stipulation that they have their financing finalized 15 days after the contract is signed. They agreed to everything except for the financing part. They could not come up with all the financing. The reason we put a financial contingency of 15 days is because we did not want to find out their financing fell through on the day of closing, after having the house off the market. Turns out, their financing would not have been there. Praise the Lord for protecting us there. One door closed, the Lord opens another- possibly. This past Saturday a couple looked and immediately called to say they were interested, and to expect an offer on Tuesday the 19th. We'll wait to see. We know that no matter what happens, we are going to follow the Lord's call and go in service for Him in South Asia. God will provide, somehow.

My wife has put in her notice at work for the first week in July. My last day will be middle July. We have received our flight plans for entrance into the field. We leave for South Asia on October 17. We have the kids' passports and are soon to apply for their Visas. We have rented a storage unit to store stuff we can't sell or don't want to throw away. We have already sold much furniture we do not want to store. We have been preparing our field for rain, and will continue to do so. Our thought was that the house would be sold by now, but God has a greater plan in mind. As a good friend and church staff member looked me in the eyes yesterday and said-"stay faithful, God is going to provide!" Thanks, KG! We are staying faithful with a great church family behind us, and strong influential leaders encouraging us, and many prayers from family and brothers and sisters in Christ. God has placed many blessings around us, and we praise Him for that.

We will give God all the glory for this time in our lives. As a wise leader recently learned, confessed and submitted to- this is not about us, not about the people of South Asia. It is for the Glory of the One True God of the universe! Nothing more. Would I be thinking this had our house sold soon after we put it on the market? Doubtful. God knows our hearts. He is in control. He is teaching us every day to be faithful; to submit to Him in everything. Most likely because we will need to rely on Him completely where He is sending us.

Well, that's it for the ramblings. We are 1-1/2 months from going to Richmond for our orientation and very excited that it will be here soon. Thank you again to all who have been lifting us up in prayer during this time. I hope to soon post a gigantic SOLD across my blog!

Following Him-


J. Guy Muse said...

You're selling your blog? I'll buy it! How much are you asking? :)

Seriously, it is apparent that God hasn't forgotten you! I once heard, "God is never in a hurry, but always on time."

S.A.M. said...

Hey, do you want to buy a house too, Guy? Make an offer and I'll throw the house in with the Blog!

Thanks for the encouragement. I got a good laugh, and then re-read my post and understood your comment better! Still hoping for the luxury mission experience, but I don't think I'll get that in South Asia!