Wednesday, July 25, 2007

House Finalized, Packed and Ready!

I must apologize for the ME centered posts these last few weeks, and that my posting has been few and far between. Of course, we have been busy with finishing packing, as I said, for the next two and a half months. I've never had to pack for that length of time. I guess this just gets us ready for packing for 3 years! Up really late last night getting all the bags the right weight, which means we needed to unload some things.

The house was finalized yesterday, and we handed over the keys to the new owners. We also finished our wills and signing over power of attorney to close friends that will take care of things while we are over seas.

We have said our goodbyes this weekend here in our home state. Everyone has been very generous towards us as far as prayer support and some monetary gifts. We cannot believe the generosity of our church family, as well as the church families that have committed to praying for us that have given us love offerings to cover upcoming expenses. God has truly blessed us with an incredible community of prayer partners. We thank each and every Sunday school class, small group and church family members and staff who have blessed us and lifted us up to Jesus these past few weeks. We'll need your prayers now more than ever as we head toward the journey that was planned before we were formed in the womb.

We will be on vacation in another state visiting family and saying our goodbyes here before flying to Richmond on August 7 to start 2 month orientation. I hope to be able to blog more from there as we should be settled when we get there. Thank you to all who read this and continue to pray for our travel and continued preparation to go to South Asia. Once we get out of all this ME stuff, things will get much more interesting to read!

God bless,


Diana said...

Enjoy your time, Be safe and know that you will be continued to be lifted in prayer by those who love and care for you.
Much Love to all of you!!!!
Love Diana, Goerge and the crew

Anonymous said...

May the Lord bless you.

I remember those exact things when we went overseas so many years ago. The memory of the phone call to my sister to ask and see if she would take responsibility for my children if something were to happen to my wife and I still makes me tear up.

Enjoy the time with your family before you leave. Make that last "Sonic Run" without guilt! ;-)

Tina said...

Praying FOR you and WITH you....
Man, it is going to be a journey!!!!!!!

We love you... and believe GOD will pour HIS GLORY through you!!!!!