Friday, August 10, 2007

Connecting with the Father

What an incredible time I had today. So far, we have been just getting to know things around the campus and adhering to a schedule (we tried hard to not have a schedule during vacation!) here at ILC since Tuesday.

Today we were directed to have 3 hours of personal quiet time however we wanted, wherever we wanted. I decided to take mine near the small lake/large pond off to the side of the campus, accessible by anyone on campus by a short walk. I took a spot on the rocks at one end. On the walk there, I was reflecting on my quiet time these last few weeks, months, and realized that my quiet time stunk! I was giving God snippets of my time here and there when I could, but never enough to satisfy my thirst or God's expectations. I asked Jesus to meet me where I was going, and as I sat down I was just still for a few moments and basked among God's glorious creation: the trees, the water, the rocks, the butterflies, the dragonflies, and just praised Him for all that I was seeing. I saw how the butterfly showed God's glory exactly how God created him to show it- with his beautiful wings. I felt very convicted that I was not showing God's glory the way that I should be. I did not feel any breeze and it has been extremely hot and humid here. Just as I thought about a breeze, a nice cool one embraced me, and I realized that God was there with me, embracing me with the breeze, and I gave thanks and praise to my heavenly Father.

I then opened God's word and began to experience it like I hadn't in a long time. The words of the Lord came to life and practically jumped off the page to me!

Isaiah 6:8-9a says: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!' He said, 'Go..'" We have been given the green light to go and make disciples now, not when things are just perfect. I have been waiting, maybe saving my witnessing for when I get to the field, waiting for my "GO" signal, when it has already been given.

Matthew 28:19-20 says: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Jesus is telling us that we need not be afraid to GO and make disciples, because He is with us for all time!

Acts 1:8 says: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Jesus doesn't say we may be His witnesses, we WILL be His witnesses.

The word missionary was described to me yesterday as "sent out one". Jesus has sent us out, called us to be His vessel to spread His good news. We are not taking God to South Asia with us. He is already there, preparing work for us, work that He has prepared long before we were born.

I expect to be challenged more as we are here, and the rewards for meeting those challenges will be overwhelming to me. I was also deeply moved as a Japanese lady who is going to be a missionary to China sang a praise song for the whole group of over 300 people in Japanese. It moved me to sobbing, as well as a lot of others. It just makes my heart leap with joy to hear praise songs to Jesus in other languages. I did not know the words she was singing, but it was beautiful, and I know that Jesus was being glorified right in front of us.

This is just the first week. Whatever else is in store, I can't wait, and I can't wait to tell!


Tina said...


SO praying for you my friend and for even GREATER revelations!!!!!!!!


Kyle Goen said...
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