Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Why Pray for the South Asia People?

We have the privilege of hosting a couple of guys from a church back home. They have arrived today and are here to know how to better partner in prayer with us for the people living here. There is so much lostness here, but what is sad is that being here and the busy-ness of our life here so far has numbed our senses to some of that lostness. Today, as we took the two guys out to a place of idol worship, I was deeply moved as I tried to explain what goes on in these areas. So many rituals, so many different ways the people are trying to call out to God, so many places of worship and the priests who "speak" to the gods for the people at these temples. It was the first time in a long time my heart was moved for the lostness around us. It was overwhelming, and I began to weep. I wondered what some of the nationals looking at me were thinking. "Is he weeping for a dead relative?" (since we were standing at a place of cremation). I also think that knowing that our visitors were seeing these sights for the first time made me think of the first time I saw them.

One way to pray for the people of South Asia is to pray that they find no peace in their many ways of worship, and that they seek another way; The Only Way. In the next couple of days, us and the two guys from back home will travel around our state to share the gospel, or sow seed. We will also prayer walk a major temple here. Pray that we have interested and curious onlookers who are also persons of peace. Ones that will be open to the Gospel.

South Asia needs prayer! Prepare the soil with prayer and that soil will be ready for the seed of the Gospel!


Kyle Goen said...

I am thankful you are leading them to pray. Know that we are remembering you and the family.

S.A.M. said...

Kyle, Thanks for the thoughts. Glad to hear of the great trip to Africa. We have been lifting you all in prayer as well with the things going on there.

Darrell said...

Will be remembering you in prayer as you go. Rock on!

S.A.M. said...

Thanks Darrell! We're brothers working for the growth of the same kingdom half a world away from each other. Keep it up and we'll someday meet in the middle!