Thursday, December 13, 2007

A modern day Athens?

This morning I was watching some of the things going on outside. In addition to the many people coming and going, the various men yelling up to the people living in the apartments what they are selling, I noticed a woman walking through this lumber yard. As you can see, there are some cows tied up in the yard, as there are every day. She was nicely dressed, and carrying something to give to the cows to eat. I noticed her giving some sort of sign after giving the cows what she was carrying and it occurred to me that she was worshipping the cows at that very moment. As I was astonished, I began to feel very sad at what she was doing. I realized again, through all that we have been doing so far to get set up here in our city, that people are so very lost.
The people of South Asia are a very spiritual people, as I notice by all the idols, false gods and temples that are everywhere we look. It makes me think of Paul in Acts 17, and how he was greatly distressed to see that Athens was full of idols and he even saw that the people were very religious. It is distressing and sad that 99% of these religious people we walk past every day here do not know the One True God, and are going down a road that is leading them to eternal separation from Jesus.
However, as my partner here pointed out that as bad as the idol worship was in Athens, those false gods and idols are nothing but myths and legends today. God has defeated and crushed the beliefs in those false gods, and we may be privileged to witness and be a part of the beginnings of another revolution that will take down the false gods and idols we are seeing worshipped right here.
Please continue to pray for the people of South Asia, that God will bring these people to know Him personally. Pray for the nationals who come to accept Jesus to be sowers of the Word, to grow His fame among these people, and for the people to be receptive to what the truth is. It is not anyone's power or might that can do this, but it is God alone who can accomplish His task through faithful and obedient followers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out South Asian Connection website.