Thursday, December 29, 2011

Who Is Jesus & Why Do We Need Him?

If there is any question or doubt about who Jesus is, Paul writes about it in Colossians 1:13-23 and gives us clear teaching on the supremacy of Christ.

God has brought us into His kingdom through the redemption of our sins through the sacrifice of Jesus, who, as Paul says is the exact image of the invisible God. Jesus looks exactly like God. Not only does Jesus look like God, He is in every way exactly like God. Jesus is not just another God separate from the Father, but the image of the invisible God. All things were created by Jesus and for Jesus, which means Jesus existed in the beginning, but came to earth at the specific time to carry out the plan of redemption for mankind. Everything is held together by Christ, who is said to be the head of the body, which is the church. He leads the church, and we make up the parts of the church body. No one but Jesus leads the church, and therefore no one is said to be the head of the body except for Jesus.

The passage says in verse 18 that Jesus was the first to be raised from the dead. This statement is confusing to many, because wasn't Lazarus was raised from the dead (John 11) as was a young boy at a funeral (Luke 7), and a young girl (Matthew 9)? Why does it say here that Jesus was the first to be raised from the dead if those others were said to be raised first? The others who were raised still died physically. They were brought back to life, but not to eternal living status. Jesus, when he was raised from the dead, is still living today, and through that resurrection we also have eternal life. Anyone can take punishment for someone else. What Jesus did was to take punishment for all mankind, and to make it legitimate, God raised Jesus to solidify that the punishment was enough. It is the proof that everyone’s sins were paid for through the punishment Jesus took on the cross. We could not have eternal life without the death and resurrection of Christ.

Paul also says that God made peace with us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. The only way we have peace in ourselves is through our peace with God, so Jesus came to live on earth and die to bring us into peace with God. We may look for peace in many things, but God is the only one who can give everlasting peace. “I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn’t like the peace this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.” -John 14:27(CEV).

Because of this peace through Jesus, God allows us to stand in His presence without blame and free from accusation of sin. Jesus paid the penalty that we deserve. For this love that God showed us, Paul tells us to remain firm in our faith. The gospel is still our best hope for an eternal connection to God.

Tough words to follow sometimes, but very true. If Jesus is who every follower of Christ says he is, we can point here in Colossians for the concrete description of who Jesus is and why we need him. Jesus is the mediator between us and God (1Timothy 2:5). Just like someone who mediates between two enemies and brings peace, Jesus mediates between us and God to bring us into God’s peace. Jesus also says, “I am the way, the truth and the life. Without me, no one can go to the Father.” (John 14:6) It's pretty clear that Jesus is the only way to connect with God, that by accepting Jesus' sacrifice for us, we can be connected to God and have God’s peace and forgiveness, which give us access to Him, and He therefore sends us the Holy Spirit to help us follow Him. God loves us, and came to us in the person of Jesus so that we could live in community with God again.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fellowship of Believers- Acts 2:37-47

Church is not just a place to come on Sunday, listen to and sing music, listen to a message by the pastor, greet friends and leave. Church is not even a place or building the way we think of it. It is the act of the proclaimed followers of Christ and how they live their lives together.

The first Christian church in Acts 2 took off very quickly. Peter preached the gospel to many seekers, and they all asked “What shall we do?” Here is where Peter gives the best advice. Rather than tell them to come together in a building and listen and learn more, he tells them plainly to repent/turn back to God and be baptized in Jesus’ name to be forgiven of sins, and 3000 people joined God’s Kingdom that day, not just a local church. Their response was immediate. It is not said that they were instructed to come together regularly to eat, pray, worship, share all they have with each other, etc. They did this naturally from change Jesus did within them all. A genuine love from God helped them spiritually want to come together and share their lives in fellowship and community with each other. This is the natural progression of new believers when the Holy Spirit works within them, and those around are doing the same showing an example of their changed lives.

The picture of this first church is a picture of health, and due to that health the Lord added more believers daily. Jesus gets glory when His church functions in a healthy way, because when it does, people who are seeking God, even if they don’t know they are seeking God will be attracted to that health, thereby being attracted to all God has to offer.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sin and the Fall- Genesis 3

In Genesis 2, God had given Adam instructions while he lived in Eden- that he was to take care of everything in the garden and that he could eat anything, except the fruit from the tree of knowledge which would let him know the difference between right and wrong. It was Adam’s responsibility to to communicate that to his wife, Eve. Adam was set as the spiritual leader of his family. Eve was tempted by the devil to take and eat from that tree. The father of lies, told her the lie that she would not die if she ate it, but that God had lied to Adam by saying they would not die, but God was afraid they would become like Him. Eve took it, and it wasn’t only her fault because she gave some to Adam, who was right there with her. He should have been strong enough to tell her not to take it and be the leader of the family God set him up to be. Unfortunately, he did not, and spiritual death that God told them about for their rebellion happened- they were spiritually separated from God.

God still loves his creation, but had to punish the sin. If He had let the sin go unpunished, God would be un-just. Satan was an angel who was cast out of heaven for the sin of pride and wanting to be like God- the actual first sin, so his sin was punished. Satan demands that God continue to punish sin, since he was punished himself. That is why sin is punished in the world today- God must continue to give punishment for sin, or else He will be judged un-just.

It is sad that God’s creation was cast out of communion with God, but if this had not been done, Adam and Eve would have continued to live in their sin with no way to be reconciled to God. Their offspring would have been condemned to live in their sin without hope of being re-connected with God. God not only cursed the man and woman, that their lives would be full of hardship- the woman with labor pains while she gives birth and the man would struggle to harvest enough food to eat. The curse he put on Satan was the worst of all, and God says basically that Satan had won this battle, and you have inflicted a wound, but one day, through Eve’s offspring will come a savior to strike a fatal blow to him. God already set up a reconciliation between He and His creation- through the human birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus many generations in the future.

Praise God that although we are in sin, and separated from our Heavenly Father, He has made a way for us to be reconnected with Him. He gave us unconditional love through the sacrifice of Jesus because He didn’t wait for us to stop sinning, but while we still sin, Jesus took the punishment we deserve (Romans 5:8). And also, since sin came into the world through the act of one man, it is fitting that all sinners be made right by the act of one man's obedience (Romans 5:12-21). God is good, all the time.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Creation- Genesis 1-2

Reading through Genesis and how God created the Earth, I am reminded of how God put things in order when He created things. He didn’t just put all things on the Earth in one swipe of His hand, which He could have done. He created the Earth and prepared a perfect place for us to live. Many people argue about evolution. I believe in evolution, but I believe it was put in place by the Creator. God created things in a specific order, and placed everything to grow, mature and evolve. The creation of the Earth is a great mystery, but one where all the things God created should be marveled at. The sky, the stars, the natural world around us- He created it all so that we would know there is a creator and we would glorify Him for that creation. People grieve God when they worship created things over the creator.

In India, people worship the sun, rocks, trees and other created things. The one thing we observed while living in India was that Hindus worshiped the Ganges River. It is regarded as most Holy by Hindus. In most of Asia, people worship created things over the Creator- God. It would be the same thing as an artist who paints a masterpiece, but then people marvel and elevate the masterpiece over the artist, actually even forgetting the artist all together. The work of art did not create itself- it was created by someone. Same with the earth- it did not create itself, it was created. And if you believe it was created, you have to believe that an all powerful being created it. We can marvel at the things created by God, but when we elevate them over God and give those things our worship, we give credit to the created things over the creator.

Out of all the living things God put on the earth, His most special creation was people. He made us to think and to grow and to rule over the all the living things on the earth. He put us in charge of the place he prepared for us to live. We are the only one of His creations that God made in His image- that’s pretty special. Think about how God ordered our bodies, and how all things within work together to keep us alive. It is hard for me to think that I am an accident, and that all my parts together were thrown together and came together by chance. God created our bodies as living temples to Him. He created men and women to compliment each other. When He created Adam, God saw that He had no helper like all the other animals, so He created Eve. Isn't it nteresting that God took a rib from Adam’s side, not his head or his leg or foot, but out of his side. It symbolized the equality between men and women. He created man first, and set up that men should be leaders within the household, but men and women were created to live together as compliments- a perfect fit for each other as equals.

After God created man and woman, he blessed them and told them to go out and go to work- rule the earth and multiply. Notice that God blesses them first. It is an example that we should never go anywhere without God’s blessings. If we go out on our own, we will survive, but not thrive the way God intended.

God also set up a day of rest- the example for us that we should rest from work for at least one day of the week. Why not? God made our bodies to need rest, and when God rested, He set up that day, at least one in the week, for us to rest our bodies from work, and rejuvenate. Praise God for at least one day of rest! Then God gave Adam some instructions- not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God basically told Adam not to rebel against Him, and if he did, he would suffer spiritual death and separation from God.

I love to read about the creation of the earth and give God glory for all He created. It’s the reason it was all created- even us. To glorify God.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Party at LifePoint Bangkok- Matthew Style

When the Apostle Matthew came to know and commit to following Jesus, he threw a large party at his house and invited Jesus to attend. He also invited all his friends and colleagues so that they could meet Jesus and have the chance to follow Him. He invited people he had influence over- people he had relationships with, and he wanted to share his new found faith in God with those relationships.

Last night, LifePoint Bangkok took the opportunity to throw a Christmas party. Recently we rented a new space in a neighborhood that God led us to. It is now a center for our work here- we started meeting for church on Sundays, and host different events to invite the people we have been investing in. Christmas gave us the opportunity to do that, and finally host our own Matthew party.

Of our team, there were 14 of us- 19 people we all have relationships with showed- Praise God! We had some great food and fellowship between us. Nobody seemed to feel left out or out of place. We had kids Christmas shows playing in the background, and also played White Elephant (Dirty Santa) gift exchange game. After the game, the party seemed to be winding down, but nobody left. People stayed late into the night enjoying more fellowship and conversation.

Our first big LifePoint Bangkok event seemed to have been a success, but not just from the pictures. We can tell it was successful because of the comments we got from all who left. The Thai people who do not celebrate Christmas got a first hand look at how we celebrate Christmas in America, and they were thrilled to be part of it. Many gave us heart-filled thanks for including them in the party, and they all said they loved it. It was a blast.

Praise God providing an opportunity for us to take a huge step in our relationships this night. Continue to pray for those we are investing in for God's glory.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Holy Spirit's Purpose

John the Baptist was preparing the way for Jesus in the desert, and he begins to teach and speak of what the Holy Spirit is. The story is in Matthew 3:1-17.

Talking about the Holy Spirit is a difficult thing to do, and it can be easily mis-interpreted, misunderstood and miscommunicated. Especially in a culture that believes that spirits, good and bad, control what happens in a person’s life. It’s also hard to explain the Holy Spirit in a culture that has a casual belief in Jesus- to them it just sounds weird to talk about it. Then, there is the issue of people who believe in more than one God, and they are confused about Christians who talk about God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. This makes people, like Hindus, think that we as Christians believe there are 3 different gods. Here is how I can best explain it the way I understand it: There is God’s essence, or His being which we call the Father. There is His human image, who came to earth to live among us in the person of Jesus. And, God has a Spirit, but God’s Spirit is something that we can carry within us. That is what John means when he says we will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Being baptized in water is an outward symbol of us turning away from our sins and following Jesus- an outward expression of the change that happens on the inside. When we decide to follow Jesus, God’s Spirit comes into us, and we are immersed in it and the it lives within us (2 Timothy 1:14). As John was baptizing in the desert, the religious leaders came out to see what he was doing, and thought that by just being there and going through the motions, they could show that they were part of this new God movement and get some salvation also. John calls them out for their hypocrisy; that by going through the motions, you cannot just call yourself a person who follows God. You must also follow through in your heart. God is the only one who knows our heart besides us. We can fool other people, but we cannot fool God. He gives us His Spirit when we decide to really follow Him, as John says- we are baptized with the Holy Spirit. The very instant we confess and believe (Romans 10:9), we are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit of God (Ephesians 1:13), and it is what helps us do what we must do to follow God and testify and proclaim that Jesus is Lord. Acts 1:8, Jesus says that when we receive the Holy Spirit, we will have power, and have the ability to be His witnesses wherever we go, even to the ends of the earth.

Here are some examples of how the Holy Spirit within us helps us: The Spirit teaches us what to say (Luke 12:12); His Spirit speaks for us (Mark 13:11); The Spirit reminds us of Jesus’ teachings and helps us live according to it (John 14:26); Our joy comes from the Holy Spirit (Luke 10:21); it fills us with hope (Romans 15:13); The Spirit helps us pray (Jude 1:20). God’s Spirit is very important to us as believers- it’s not to be ignored or feared, but to be welcomed, released and depended upon so we as followers of Jesus can do what we have been called by God to do. We don’t do it alone- God’s Spirit helps us (John 14:16).

I struggle with talking about the Holy Spirit, and communicating clearly some of the things in the Bible about him. My main scripture study is about John the Baptist and him preaching on the Holy Spirit, but I have included many other Bible verses that explain more about the Holy Spirit and what his purpose is. Please comment and add any scripture verses as you see fit that I have probably missed that can help explain better. Thanks for reading, and God bless!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Worship- Jesus & The Woman At The Well

Today, I read through one of my favorite stories (John 4:3-42). It is inspiring for all of us, no matter our situation to worship God.

So many things in this story about Jesus and His encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. My focus today, however is worship. Jesus’ conversation with her gets spiritual pretty quickly, and the woman, realizing Jesus as a man of God, asks about the differences between Jewish and Samaritan worship of God. Jews felt that true worship was in Jerusalem, while Samaritans believed they needed to worship the way their fathers did- in Samaria. Jesus immediately corrects her and states that the place to worship God does not matter, but that true worship is in the spirit. People who follow God must worship in Spirit and in truth, and that is not based on location. If location were an issue, everyone outside of Jerusalem would be worshiping God the wrong way. This is also the case when we say that one type of church denomination worships God wrong because of their singing, church building, day of worship, etc. There is no time constraints, no geographical boundaries, no perfect 4 walled structure, no specific church program needed to worship God in the correct way. Jesus says we must worship in Spirit and truth. Worship is showing our love to God, and we can show our love for God in everything we do, no matter where we are. Our lives are made to please God, and when we please God by showing our love for Him; with our worship. We show ourselves as followers of God to others as worshiping in Spirit and truth, not in rules and regulations according to religion and tradition. Worship God right where you are! The Samaritan woman did- she showed her love for God, not worrying about her reputation, by sharing her new found faith in Christ with all her townspeople. Many Samaritans believed in Jesus at that time because of the woman’s testimony. Can you show God that you love Him by sharing your testimony about how God loves you today? Everyday?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Praising God

Luke 17:11-19, the story is about how we should give God our worship and thank him for all that we have.

So far, our pattern of following Jesus is to abide in Christ, read and meditate on His Word and to communicate with God through prayer. In addition, we must also live in a spirit of worship. Worship is not just singing in church, it is the way we show our love to God. As Jesus met the 10 lepers, they asked for healing, but Jesus didn’t heal them on the spot. He commanded them to go show themselves to the priests, as was the custom for people with leprosy to be inspected by the priests so they could be accepted back into society. Their healing took place on the way to the priests. With their excitement, they all went back to their lives excited to pick up their lives where they left off- all except one, who realized he needed to show love back to God for his healing. Jesus commended him, even though he was a foreigner, and then asked where the others were. We need to take this example and give praise to God in all circumstances, especially when we receive great things from Jesus. The reason we should live in a constant state of worship is because we have already received the greatest gift of all- our salvation.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Here is one area of my life that I seem to overlook, but God wants to hear from us, and Jesus gives us a great model of prayer in Luke 11:1-13 & Luke 18:1-8.

In following with the pattern of previous studies, we follow Christ by reading His word and meditating on it. We also have direct communication with the Father through prayer. In Luke, Jesus is asked to show us how to pray. He gives a structure of praise, thanksgiving, forgiveness and asking. He then goes on to say how much God would give us if we simply ask consistently. Later in Luke, he tells of the story of an unrighteous judge who relents and gives justice to a woman because she consistently begs him for help. His point is that even the unrighteous give what is needed due to persistence. Jesus shows us to pray with consistency, and not lose heart. How many times to we pray about something we need, but it is in quick passing- “Hey God, could you do me a favor?” We talk so much in our prayers, and our prayers are all about us, not God. We need to first give praise to Him- He’s our king! Let YOUR will be done God, not mine. It’s not about me. Second, we should thank Him for all we have already- that kind of puts things into perspective, and even the thing we are preparing to ask God about might not even seem that important comparatively. Third, we need to ask forgiveness for anything that might be hindering us in our conversation with God, and we must remind ourselves that since we are forgiven, we must also forgive those who have sinned against us. Deliver us from evil- ask for protection against temptations. After this part of the conversation, feel free to ask what you want. Jesus says: “You have not because you ask not.” Our earthly fathers give us good things and not bad things, and they are human and sinful. How much more will a gracious, heavenly father give us if we ask? But asking according to His will is the key. Once we put our prayer into perspective, we must ask according to what will please and glorify Him. It's not an option, it’s part of following Jesus.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Meditating on God's Word

Short thoughts on Psalm 119:1-16.

David gives us the example and the challenge to keep our ways pure by knowing the word. As stated above, we can do nothing apart from the vine, and part of that vine is The Word of God. Keep God’s statutes, and meditate or think long and hard about God’s laws and words. Blessed are those who keep his testimonies and who seek Him with their whole heart. Don’t miss this- receive God’s blessings not just by luck, but by reading and keeping His word and following the ways of those words. I was asked by one of my Thai friends if it is hard to follow all of the things in the Bible. I told him honestly that it is impossible to follow all of it, but we try. And the only way to try our best is to know what it says is by reading it, and praying and talking with God. God sets his laws up not for us to follow them all, because He knows it is impossible to do that. He set up His laws so that we can see how far separated from God we are, and nothing we do can bring us closer. God is the one who brings us closer with His word and His spirit. The work is already done, and what remains is grace. How do we know these things if we do not read, think hard on (meditate), delight in and follow His word? How do we know how to follow Jesus unless we study His Word?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Vine and the Branches/Abiding in Christ

More thoughts from my daily time in the Word- John 15:1-11

Staying connected to the vine- Jesus and His word. When we decide to follow Jesus and be fishers of men, we must stay connected to Him. If we are apart from Jesus and His word, we can do nothing, for then we are trusting in ourselves and not God. Reading the Word and talking/praying to God daily are two ways we stay connected to the vine. When we are connected to the vine (GOD) we begin to bear fruit that God wants us to bear, and in this way we show everyone that we are Jesus’ disciples. We cannot do this by ourselves, even though we might have great knowledge of scripture and God’s law. Simple knowledge is not enough, we must listen to God and his Spirit which guides us in the ways we must go. I will bear no fruit apart from the vine. When I do not bear fruit, I am not able to show that I am a disciple of Christ. Servants do not know their master’s business. We are friends of God, and we are all about our Father’s business, and He has revealed that business to us- it's no secret! He has left it to us to carry out, and our main task is to glorify God over all things. We cannot glorify Him if we do not know His business. We do not know His business unless we trust in His spirit to guide us in carrying it out.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fishers of Men/Following Christ

Just wanted to share some thoughts on my study of Luke 5:1-11 from the other day:

As Jesus went through the countryside preaching God's Word, he came to the sea of Galilee and saw that the crowds were getting large. He didn't retreat at this time nor did he send them away. Jesus simply used what was around him- the fishermen’s boat. Contrary to what we think about this situation, his target audience was not the huge crowd, but the fishermen. He wanted to see how he was received, so he asked to use their boat to speak to the crowd from. He then rewarded them with a huge catch of fish, and revealed to them his true nature and asked them to follow him fully. Sometimes, even when we are speaking to the large crowd, our target audience is the ones with whom we have direct influence and contact with. It is many times the ones we are developing into leaders, and those we will equip for bigger purposes, in this case Peter, James and John. Your initial audience may be large, but you will have a greater impact on those few who are closest to you in relationship.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Going to School

A student started going to school at the age of 5. Kindergarten. He was worried he had to know all that there was to know about school before he went, but his mom told him, "School is for learning. As you go, you learn, so don't worry about knowing everything first." With confidence, he went. Every day. He rarely missed a day. He was a perfect attender.

As he grew and moved into higher grades, he realized that the teacher was telling him to do things he really didn't want to do. Follow the rules, read the textbook. It wasn't fun for him, and he didn't like following all the rules, which made him not like the teacher, but he did his best to follow them because he liked to be in school. And the books were hard to read. He didn't understand them, so he didn't try. He hoped he could learn what he needed from his friends. He wasn't doing well in class.

He continued on in his school career. He made lots of friends and had a lot of fun, but continued to just show up to school with perfect attendance, making sure he followed the written rules of the school, and even volunteering for different jobs around the school. He still didn't read much of the textbooks or follow the teachers' instructions. He moved on into High School somehow, and had much social success, but still didn't listen and follow the teacher's instructions. He looked forward to the day when he would graduate and move on in his life.

When graduation came, he became excited. He felt like he had been the perfect student. Everyone liked him, and he was very popular among the other students. On the day of graduation, all of his friends received their diplomas and were ready to move on. However, he did not receive one, because he didn't graduate due to his poor grades. He went before the school faculty to find out why he could not graduate and receive a diploma like all his friends.

He argued, "I have rarely missed a day. I show up all the time to school. I dress nicely. I have lots of friends who love me. Why can't I graduate also?"

You showed up, but you did not grow. You were here, but you did not read or study. You sat in the chairs and looked like the perfect student, but you did not listen to the teachers lessons. Just showing up to school is not enough. You must also listen to the teacher, read the textbook and do what they tell you. That is how you can graduate.

How often does this story play out in churches all across America, and even the world? Christians think they can show up to church, have perfect attendance, make lots of friends and have good fellowship, volunteer in the church- but never open the bible (textbook) and apply it; never pray to God (the teacher) and listen and do what He says. Church is not there to go and check the box, and in the end think that we can have salvation. Jesus says on that day, he will tell those people, "I never knew you."

Does the fault for that go with the people, or the church? The church's responsibility is to educate and equip the people within the church, much like a school's responsibility is to educate and equip young people for their future. The church has to be truthful, and not just tell people to come in and be comfortable, and live your best life now.

Don't get me wrong- the local church is important, and it's important for followers of Christ to attend, receive teaching, have fellowship, give, pray. But the main thing they are to do is grow in Christ, in order to grow God's kingdom through listening and obeying. The church is not just there for us, it's there to glorify God.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Persons of Peace & Relationship Building

8 months here in Bangkok so far. We've been really working hard to figure out how God is going to use us here, and in our minds, we thought we would be much further along by now. We're being taught patience. Our goal as a team is to build relationships that are kingdom building- finding persons of peace, whether that is with non-believers or with other local Christians, it is what we have been focusing on to build up the church. Until now, we have made a few friends, but many people in this mega-city are spread out around it, which makes it difficult to get together for any kind of social event or even a dinner. Not only are they spread out, but the schedules- Thai people seem to be free on one day of the week- Sunday. Many work 6 days, starting with an early morning commute, an 8 hour day and another 1-3 hour commute back home which brings them home around 7-8 PM every night. To tell the truth, I haven't been able to see many positives in trying to connect with anyone. And then, there's the language barrier. Since we don't know enough Thai, our search for relationships is narrowed to English speakers.

When I finish teaching my classes at the BSC, I go home via the SkyTrain (BTS). While I am fine with teaching, much of my energy is spent and I am ready to be home when I'm done, so I don't engage many people in conversation during this commute. People who commute on the SkyTrain also are not very communicative, putting on headphones and dis-engaging from everyone around them. Sometimes, my students travel the same direction as I do on the SkyTrain and I wind up talking to them during my entire ride. Needless to say, that drains me even more, but I have to think how I can show them Christ even when I am tired. One of my students, Mee and his wife Palm rode the SkyTrain with me this past Thursday, and we talked some. He then was ready to exit to go get his car which was parked in a parking garage nearby, and he asked if he could take me to my house. I rarely turn down a ride, and since he lives in our area, it was not inconvenient for them to do so. We had a good conversation on the way home. I asked if there were any really good Thai restaurants in our area, and I told him that we should get together and have dinner at one of those places together so they could show us how to order food in Thai, as well as what to order. He also asked if I was Catholic, and I said I am protestant, or Baptist. He said that he had no idea of either. Perhaps one day he'll have more questions. Pray for this relationship, that God directs me to build it to share His love with this couple.

Today, my daughter and I started out to the place that our team does ministry at a community center in a poor neighborhood every Saturday. We usually take 2 different buses, then motorcycle taxis as well as plenty of walking to get there- it's about an hour trip. One of our neighbors, Joe, whom we had not met yet, drove up and asked if he could give us a lift to the bus stop. Once he asked where we were going, he said that he was going that way also and he would take us the whole way there. As we were talking, he asked what I did for a living. I said that I taught English and the Bible at the Baptist Student Center, and he said, "You're Baptist? A Christian? I'm also a Christian!" Right in our neighborhood. He attends a church on the other side of town, far away from where he lives, but he doesn't know of any closer churches since he moved to this area, so he just keeps going. I asked if he was part of a small group, and he said yes, but he also has to travel far to attend it. I told him that I would like to start a small group in our town-home complex, and that perhaps we could do it together.

Praise God we have been put right in the place that God wants us to be. I pray that he continues to use us for His glory, and not our comfort. Pray for the relationships with Mee, his wife Palm and Joe, that we can build on them in order to build His kingdom. Also, pray for God to bring us more persons of peace.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Spiritual Conversation

During one of my English classes this week, I was sitting with one student. His name is Wut (pronounced Woot). He was the only one of 6 my students who had showed up in the marriage class that I volunteered to teach at the Baptist Student Center (BSC). Instead of canceling and going home early, he wanted to talk. This is encouraging because we always tell our Thai students that they need practice by speaking to native English speakers. I was surprised how quickly the conversation turned spiritual.

Wut asked many questions about why I believe in Jesus, and why I follow him, pray, read the Bible, things about heaven and hell. I want so much to be able to give him the correct answers, but I cannot. I sat back and let the Holy Spirit guide my speech to help Wut understand the answers I gave.

Wut is a Buddhist, but has been hearing much talk about God, Jesus, the Bible, church, etc. recently. I can see the turmoil within his soul as I communicate answers to his questions. I asked Wut, "What happens when we die?" He gave me the same answer most Buddhists will give, that you come back as a new person and live and die and come back again. I told him that in the Bible, it says that man is destined to die once, and then face judgment (Hebrews 9:27) and that even our secret sins will be judged by God (Romans 2:16). I asked him if he understood God's judgment, to which he said "that is when God sends you to heaven or hell.", as he pointed up and down.

He then asked some questions that many people ask:

"If I realize, when I am sent to hell, that I have made a mistake, can I change my mind?" Tough question. God's final judgment on us is just and eternal. Once we face it, it is too late at that point. While we are on earth is the time to make that choice to follow God, and accept that Jesus the punishment we deserve. He took our place one time for all.

"Can I be good my whole life, but not accept Jesus and still go to heaven?" The Bible says that no one is good. We don't do good even if we want to, because we don't know how. God and the Bible tell us how to be good, and that without Christ and the acceptance of his sacrifice for our sins, we will not be allowed in heaven.

"If I stay in sin all my life, then when I am old I decide to turn to God and follow Jesus, can I still go to heaven?" Of course, as long as you have accepted that Jesus took your punishment, and your heart has believed that fact, you can. But caution: how can a person know he is going to last until old age? What happens if you decide to wait, and you die before you make your final decision? Judgment comes too soon, and you will suffer for it.

"Is it hard to follow all that is in the Bible?" Yes, and my nature is to not want to follow it because it is hard. But I trust and have faith that it teaches me to live right, and even though I try to do all it says, I sometimes do not. However, God still loves me, no matter what, even when I fail.

"Do you pray all the time?" As much as I need to. The more I pray and talk with God, the more I can understand what He wants me to do, and how I can answer questions about Him. And, I can pray wherever and whenever I want. I don't need to be in a church or any other building in order to pray. "Do you have to get on your knees to pray?" I can, because it is a posture of humbleness and respect to God. But more than physical humbleness, God wants us to come to Him with a humble heart. Bow your heart to God, not just your body.

There were so many questions Wut had, and every one was answered by the Holy Spirit. I pray that God's Spirit is speaking to Wut right now, and that he is thinking much about all these answers he has received. He is open, and curious. I hope he has more questions, and that all of us who are sharing Christ with him can help him understand the need he has for his Savior.

Wut says that he had been given a Thai & English Bible, so I gave him some passages to read on his own, in his own language so he could understand. I gave him the Romans Road passages, in answer to his questions about being good enough without Christ to be accepted by God. Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:13 and 10:9, as well as the passages on God's judgment, Romans 2:16 and Hebrews 9:27.

I want very much to have Wut join the Kingdom of the Living, True God. If he comes to know Christ and follow him, it won't be because of what I have done, but what the Spirit does through me. My only job is to be faithful, obedient and ready to give an answer to those who ask about what I believe and who I follow. Pray for Wut, as well as the people of Thailand that they can see Jesus through us.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Should We Stay, or Should We Go?

For the past month, Bangkok, Thailand has been on high alert due to flood waters flowing to the gulf of Thailand from the north. For the last 3 months, torrential rains have caused the flooding to be catastrophic to people in outlying areas of the Capitol city of the country. With the main channels for that water running all through the main parts of the city, people have been warned about flood waters for a month straight. Food stocks are low, as people have been buying as much dry goods and drinking water as possible to stock up in case they get trapped in their homes or if stores close their doors due to flood waters or lack of distribution. Sand bags line the streets, as well as business fronts and residential homes, some as high as 6 feet! Many businesses are building 3 foot high temporary concrete walls in front of their buildings to keep water from damaging their assets. Many people have fled for sure dry ground outside the city in hopes of avoiding the flood waters and the problems they could face. Over 400 deaths have occurred from the floods: drowning, electrocution, sickness from contaminated water and other issues are the cause. The story is grim. Millions are out of their homes because they are half way or full of water to the roof. There is nowhere for the water to go but to escape to the ocean through the capitol city.

That is where we live.

We have been asked the question by our local Thai friends and acquaintances: "Will you leave Thailand to go to the U.S. to be safe from the flood?" I look at them and say "Why? Thailand is my home now. I will face the danger with my Thai neighbors and friends. I want to be able to help where I am needed." Jesus was asked, "Teacher, what is the greatest commandment?" He said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself." The Great Commandment speech can be found in Matt 22, Mark 12 and Luke 10. In Luke chapter 10, someone asks Jesus "Who is my neighbor?" We have been sent by God to Thailand to glorify Jesus in everything we do. How can we do that if we run away at the first sign of danger? How can we show that we are Jesus' disciples if we pick up and leave at the first sign of trouble? How are we being a neighbor to the Thai people if we only hang around while things are good? I do not fault anyone for leaving during troubled times. In many instances in the Bible, God called people away from troubled areas when needed. If we were to hear directly that we need to evacuate, we would. We will be wise and not foolish in our decision. Until then, we will stay and face the danger with our neighbors in Bangkok. I hope to be able to help the flood victims with whatever they need. I hope that if I become a flood victim, that my Thai neighbors will be willing to help me and my family. That is being a true neighbor.

We as followers of Christ need to show that we are not all talk. When I explained to one of my English students, who was worried about us getting caught in the flood, why I am staying, they said "Thank you." It was a very heartfelt thank you. That someone would actually stay and face the danger, help where needed, and be a true neighbor. I don't have all the answers, but I do know that we were called here to reflect Christ, and shine His light in the darkness. One Thai Christian leader said, "If all the Christians leave, who will be left to show God's love to the people who need it, especially in this time?"

We'll stay. We'll be neighbors. We'll show who we are, rather than talk about who we are. I follow Jesus. He stays with me no matter what, so I stay where he wants me, until he tells me to leave, no matter what.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Back in the Blog World

April was my last blog entry. I have really been terrible about keeping this updated. Much has happened and is happening here in Bangkok. It's really time for me to do more updates about our time here as a family and a team as we try to glorify and grow God's Kingdom. We want to glorify Jesus here as well as online. Are you with me? More frequent updates coming! Thanks for following!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Team Bangkok Plans

Recently, we have met with a pastor and small groups/church planting leader from a local Thai church here in Bangkok to plan for future partnership opportunities to reach the Thai people for Christ. Much of it involves teaching English at camps and places where this church already has a presence. Many of the team as well as myself have already been teaching English at the local Baptist Student Center, which is run jointly by Thai believers and the IMB. The opportunities we have to be involved further have come from our pastor sharing the vision God has given us as a church to reach the Thai people, but not ourselves- we need to partner with locals to equip others for the task.

Teaching English is not my strong point, and it is not what I had pictured myself doing here when we felt called to Thailand, but I follow Paul's example in
1 Corinthians 9:22-23 when he said- "I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings." I can be all things that I need to be to build relationships that will lead to sharing the Good News that I have to share, and this not for myself, but to glorify Christ. My own thinking and understanding wants to jump right in and start with what I know best- teaching and equipping others with church planting tools and watching the Holy Spirit take hold and start an explosive church planting movement that will build God's kingdom here on earth. But, I wait on the opportunity for this- God is not on my clock, I am on His, and He will use me when it is His time and purpose to do so.

So, this is a time of being patient and waiting. This also is not one of my strong points. It is tough for me, but I wait on the Lord to use me where He will, to bring Him glory, not me.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wedding Plans

So, as we settle in to life in Thailand, we are privileged to be part of a great team here. And now, that team has grown by one more. Taam, her nickname for us as it is easier to pronounce than her given Thai name, and Seth Hood, the son of our home church Pastor, Pat Hood were married today in a really interesting setting and wedding ceremony. Seth and Taam met soon after Team Bangkok arrived in Thailand and began building relationships with the local Thai people of Bangkok, and from the start it seemed obvious that God had chosen them to be together and glorify Him as a couple. Taam is the only follower of Christ in her family, the rest are all Buddhist. Pat married them in a local church in Chiangmai, which is where we are now, about an hour and a half flight north of Bangkok. Pat did a great job describing how Jesus talks about marriage and how to love each other as husband and wife as Christ loved the church and laid down His life for her. About 40 or 50 Thais heard the Gospel- possibly for the first time and hopefully in a way they had never heard it before. It was a really special moment when Seth and Taam served each other for the first time through the Lord's Supper. Pat and Amy were proud parents as they welcomed a daughter into their family, and Seth and Taam became one flesh to serve and glorify God together the rest of their lives. I was and am proud to be part of this team, even more today as we grew to one more. I can't wait to see how God uses this couple to reach others to glorify himself.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Adjusting to Life in Bangkok

Sorry, the preceding blog, my call to Christ, has been interrupted by our move to Thailand. We've been here for a week and a half and wow, have we been running!

We arrived to the welcome of our team at the airport late last Monday night. They helped us with all of our suitcases, which arrived with no problem. We were able to check into a guest house where we'll stay until we find something more stable- 4 people living in a one room guest house is really not too fun, the walls tend to close in on you fast. However, we are really happy to be here where God has called us.

The kids are enrolled in an international school, which is a huge blessing for us as they are able to have much more of a schedule and both my wife and I are able to be involved in ministry together. And, the administrators gave the kids scholarships to attend, so that means we only have to pay $1000 per year per child, rather than $12,000 for Kev and 16,000 for Leigha. We do have to pay for transportation too, but it is worth every penny in this large city! God is good and provides all the time.

I started teaching English, as much of my team has, at a local student center on a voluntary basis. They are providing me with a work visa so that I can stay along with my family for one year without leaving the country. I teach 3 nights per week, and it is really fun- the Thai students, mostly college age, really like to laugh and have fun, and are enthusiastic to learn English. I am hoping to build relationships through the classes I teach and share the truth of Jesus to any who are interested.

Some observations I have made since moving to Bangkok:
  • It is a city full of sin- several "red light" districts, which have many bars full of young scantily clad Thai girls offering themselves to white tourists, are what Bangkok is known for. Since I am an American man, many times I am looked upon as one who would frequent these establishments. Many men, aged 45-60 go to these bars for companionship and other things. When I look at them, I feel disgusted, but also sad for the men as well as the women- what an empty life they are both leading, not only emotionally and physically but spiritually empty.
  • Walking in the early morning after dropping the kids off at the bus stop, the night life is just winding down, the night markets are cleaning up and some of the local businesses are just opening. Many Buddhist monks are walking around at this early time and the local Thais offer them food in return for blessings. They bow in prayer to the monks- another very sad and empty attempt at finding peace.
  • Observing people in general, everybody wears some kind of good luck charm or amulet around their neck, on their wrist or on their fingers, or even all of the above! The more good luck charms the better. They post them over the door posts of their businesses and homes and fill their dwellings with idols of Buddha and even Hindu gods to receive good fortune and karma.
  • Riding the mass transit system- everyone on the subway or elevated train system completely disconnects from any type of relationship or friendly conversation while riding to and from wherever they are going. They are all reading texts, watching videos on the train or listening to music. There is nothing relational about using the mass transit around here- no way to connect to anyone due to the intentionality of disconnecting from reality to avoid relationships.
Again, all these things are just observations after being here for one week. Add to that an incredibly large population- 14 million in the city alone, 65 million in Thailand, the task ahead seems impossible. But, praise God we have a relationship with Jesus that fills all these needs for us, and we pray that we can reflect Jesus and His love for the people of Thailand so that they can know that the things they are doing to find peace, love, acceptance are only found in Jesus.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Reconnection- Part 1- My Call to Christ

This may be a long post, so it is best to put this into a couple different posts. This is a build up to my recent reconnection to family that God has really orchestrated from the beginning. But, in order to get to the point of the story currently, I have to share my journey to how I met Christ and became one of His followers:

I was the first grandchild in my family on both sides, and from many memories and pictures I could tell I was spoiled rotten! My family was all in Michigan, and the first 6 years of my life I grew up as any child did - wearing some very interesting plaid clothing and Oxford saddle shoes. My parents were divorced around the time I was 6, and when that happened, my mom got re-married and moved out to California, where I followed soon after they were settled. The plan was that I would come visit my dad and grandparents for a couple months of every summer. I became a world traveler at a very young age, because they put me on a plane by myself to Michigan, and it became some of the most fun times I remember. I visited my dad for about 3 weeks at a time, however, I never saw him because of his job. He was a high school football coach, teacher, and driver instructor which kept him very busy, and there was only a few times that we really ever spent time together as father and son. He got remarried eventually and had another son, my brother, when I was about 12 years old. I was so happy to have a brother, and when I finally got to see him, we hit it off immediately. I remember having some fun times with him even with the age difference. The last time I really remember him was when he was about 3 years old, but the time we had was really fun- I taught him how to skip rocks in a pond, and we did it for hours and we would laugh. When I went to leave, he said that next time I come we should throw rocks together and laugh. I never saw him again.

My mom and step-dad got a divorce when I was about 13. My step-dad, incredibly, stayed involved in my life, even though we were not blood related, he and his parents and siblings treated me like I was their own. I really felt love, but there was still something missing- I still hadn't had that father-son connection with my biological dad. I really started to feel the hurt through my teenage years, and couldn't understand the lack of affection and attention from my dad.

When I was 16, my real dad was involved in a messy divorce from his current wife. The mess divided our families from each other- my dad's side and his wife and her family's side. Because of the circumstances, my brother's mom was protecting him from us, a fact that I understood from a certain perspective, but it still hurt. I desired a relationship with my brother, but was not able to have one with him due to the things that occurred. I desired a relationship with my real dad, but was unable to. I felt lost. Through my teenage years I began to try to fill my emptiness and hurt with alcohol, pornography and inappropriate relationships that really started to taint and ruin my image of women. I had a great family around me- my mom did an incredible job raising me as a single mom, and my uncles and aunts were always there for me- I felt more like a brother to the family rather than a nephew- rarely, if ever, did I call them "uncle" or "aunt"- I always called them directly by their names. Still, my thoughts were of how I could fill the emptiness in my heart- partying, drug experiments, sports- anything that would gain me acceptance. I needed to feel accepted, the kind of acceptance that a son gets from his father.

Enter the most beautiful woman in the world. Christmas of 1989, I met the woman God chose for me and we fell in love immediately- neither one of us were believers nor had we been brought up in any kind of church. We knew we were for each other, and that we would get married. Then, Jesus showed up! This is where it gets good, and due to the length of this first post, I will end part 1 here. (cliffhangers are cool!)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So Ready!

Have you ever been geared up so much for something, but then it seems to stay so far off you seem to lose some steam? For the last month, I have been sort of going through the motions and waiting on getting to our next place of service. I've been doing other things, but it still feels like a holding pattern, and filler to tide us over until we are placed in Bangkok. It's been a long wait, but lately, God has been faithful to recharge my batteries.

We have been communicating with our teammates in Bangkok, who are preparing for our arrival to plug us into what they have been faithful to do these last 7 months on the field. This has gotten us even more excited to join them. I have also been able to plug in, and talk structure and strategy, with our home church here, and receive more insight on my role and expectations when I hit the ground in just a few weeks.

Last night, I was able to talk to my former team mate in South Asia, who has just returned to the field after a year in the U.S. We talked about some of the things we went through while on the field, but even more than that, he has been able to visit with some of the church planters that we trained together, and follow up with them - the news is really exciting! They have continued to grow and train other church planter networks and have seen growth into the 3rd generation! In addition to that, he told me that last year, while we were gone, the church planters we had trained had recorded almost 3000 baptisms, and that was only half of the number of new believers for the year! The leaders there have really come to own the training we gave them, and have really advanced the Gospel and God's Kingdom like it never has been in this area.

We continue to marvel at the great things God has been doing, and I believe it was our leaving and getting out of the way of the work and the dependency upon us to lead and teach that has really opened up the doors for God to make the growth happen in that place. We can do all the seed sowing and watering, but God gives the growth. (1 Corinthians 3:6).

This has really got me excited for what God is going to do in Bangkok and outward into Thailand. God is good, and he refreshes us as if we are trees planted along the stream. We hope to be used similarly in Thailand as we were in South Asia, and we pray that a solid church planting movement is started and we can just sit back and watch it go, until there is no place left to work! (Romans 15:23)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Newest Update

We've been off the field and home for over one year, and it has been a challenging and rewarding time for us. During our time home, we have been privileged to have many folks join our team and give to support us financially. God loves to provide, but He also loves to provide through His faithful servants to fulfill His goal and purpose of growing His kingdom on earth. We have been truly blessed by the generosity of people that believe in us and the call that God has placed on our lives. Having said that, we have gained enough financial support to be able to join our team that is already on the ground in Bangkok, Thailand. We have purchased our plane tickets and will be on the ground in Thailand February 28 of this year. Our team, all sent from our home church, has been working hard since July 2010 when they first arrived, and God has really opened up doors and provided many contacts for the team to advance God's kingdom in that place. Team Bangkok has been working closely with a local Thai leader, who has told our leadership that he has been praying 10 years for someone to partner with to expand God's kingdom among the Thai people- his countrymen. After hearing the vision that we have as a team, he has stated that his prayers have been answered. God is blessing our obedience as a team provided the contacts for us to work with among the Thai people to glorify Him.
We have felt unsettled during this year, even though God has provided us time to visit our families and friends before we go overseas again. But, we know that this is not our home- our home is where God has called us, and we are excited to be able to have a date set for our going. So now, we get to pack our things up and get ready to settle again. We count it as all joy, however to be able to be the hands and feet of our Lord and Saviour wherever He calls us.