Thursday, May 15, 2008

First Meeting of The 12

We actually will be meeting with between 12 and 15 obedient followers of Christ. We will be spending Friday and Saturday with these CP's from all over our state to map out the next year of ministry together. My team member and I along with this evangelistic force will go over a covenant and then commit to to co-labor together to have the Gospel, as well as teachings of Jesus reach an enormous population. Just as Jesus chose to pour into just a small group of disciples for the last year or so of His ministry, so we have also found an obedient group of men and women to lead out for God and reach this place for Him. Pray for these two days coming up this weekend, that we speak with wisdom and are able to explain, with God's Word, the task that is ahead of us. I will update after the weekend on how the meeting goes.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

This is SO exciting! Can't wait for the update!