Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One Year On The Field!!

It is really hard to believe it has been a year already! It still seems like we just arrived, though most of our time here has been a blurr. It feels like it took us about 4 to 6 months to really get our feet under us here, but in reality, this year anniversary has really brought about more comfort on our part. Comfort with our neighbors, local businessmen, hosting teams from our home churches- I feel more in control of things in the past couple months than I have the entire time I have been here. I have never felt the urge to go home, or asked the question "What were we thinking coming to this place?" Honestly, I have never felt better about being someplace than I do here. As tough as it is living here, I would not want to do anything else. It really is freeing when you totally submit to God's will and go where He tells you to go. Add to that the fact that we are just regular followers of Christ- not Bible college or Seminary trained ordained ministers. God chose us right out of our ordinary life to come and be part of a transformation right here in South Asia. That is a testimony to anyone who feels called, you do not have to be ordained or fully biblically educated to work for Him on the field. I am just finishing reading through the entire Old Testament for the first time. By the end of the year, I will have read through the entire bible. How's that for ordinary? God calls us to His will to glorify Him in many ways. I love the story about Gideon in Judges 6-8. God called Gideon to save Israel against an army whose camels numbered as many as were grains of sand on the sea shore. Gideon wondered why God was wanting to use him, as his tribe was the least of all tribes, and Gideon the least of his tribe. And even though Gideon tested God several times, God used Gideon and only 300 men to defeat an army of hundreds of thousands. God has given us many examples of how he uses the ordinary and overlooked to bring glory to himself. My family and I are living examples of this.

Over the past year, we have had joys- celebrating new life with national brothers and seeing the peace of Jesus come over them and their lives change has been awesome! Traveling to spend time with national brothers and sisters in their homes and receiving their gracious hospitality has been humbling to me. Having teams from our churches in the US come and spend time with us in the field is great. This is part of the mobilization we are here for. Showing how much fun it is to those who come, that they can be part of God's work here also. The full suitcases of American goodies they bring with them is like Christmas time for us also!
We have also experienced sadness here. My grandfather passed unexpectedly 6 months into our term. My wife's best friend, who battled cancer for a year with courage I could never imagine having, found out the cancer had come back. My daughter has had a tough time not seeing her friends and being homeschooled takes its toll. My son has no one his age to play with, so he does his best at getting attention where he can. Seeing people daily go to temples filled with false gods and idols is still devastating, and really hits home the fact that this place needs Jesus.

How can they know the One True God if they do not believe? How can they believe if they don't hear? How can they hear unless someone tells them? How can someone tell them if they are not sent? (Rom 10:14-15) God has equipped us- all of us who follow Him, to preach the Gospel. Not only has He equipped us, He has commanded us to go, make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything Jesus has commanded. (Matt 28:18-20) And you know why we should take comfort and do what Jesus commands? Because he is with us to the very end of the age. He even says He will go before us! How comforting is that? God has given promise after promise to us that He will provide for us. All we have to do is believe, and submit.

Will you submit? Submit to going? And by going I mean even to your neighbor, your kids' football or soccer coach? Teachers? Parents? What about those people who are from another country living in the US? Maybe God is calling you to be hosts to them. We have been so blessed to have people take care of us here in South Asia, and they are not followers of Christ. Is there anyone you can think of who needs your hospitality? You don't have to move half way across the world to minister to people from another country or culture. They may be right there. God has put them there for you to be a neighbor to. As followers of Christ, it is our responsibility, each of us, to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Will you go?


Kyle Goen said...

Great words. Strong Challenge. I'm in and looking forward to the next year. Stay focused and stay strong. We love you guys.

Tim Patterson said...

Good word. We sure did enjoy our brief time with you guys. We look forward to what God will do in the coming days.

Jeanne said...

It is very humbling to think of how God used Gideon. We think we need more knowledge or more things to serve God but truly we just need to be obedient to His Word (action). God bless you and thank you!
Sorry, I haven't stayed in contact.

Diana said...

My favorite words in this post were "God chose us"
Awesome testimony after only 1 year.
