Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Greatful, Thankful, and Humble

We are in Thailand on a visa run during the holidays, and I am studying different articles on missions for a Seminary class I am taking while we are here. I just wanted to share what God just laid on my heart while reading an article by Tracy K. Jones.

I am greatful for the Southern Baptist Church that is our family back home, from whom we have come overseas to do God's work. I love the staff, and I feel they are led by the two authorities in any Christ-follower's life- God and His word.

I am thankful for the IMB, through whom we have come to do God's work overseas. I believe the leadership to be fully led by Godly men who are also led by God and His word.

But, I am humble to think that a mere simple man can be used by God, who has called us out. We will not do the work, but through us He will do His work.

God calls, the church sends, the agency facilitates. At the front of all this, it is God who calls us. He calls all of us in His time, when He has equipped us in His own way for the task.

Is God calling you? How will you know if you aren't talking to Him? How will you know unless someone explains it to you, like your church staff? Ask God, ask Godly leadership.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Every 2.5 seconds, someone dies in South Asia, 99% of those do not know the salvation that has been offered to them. How can they ask for salvation if they don't believe? How will they believe unless they hear? How can they hear unless someone tells them? How can someone tell them unless they are sent? (Romans 10:14-15)

God is calling. He has been calling since He gave us the great commission to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18-20). That we will be His witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

It's not too late. After 16 years of professing that I was a Christ follower, He called my family and I to "pick up and move to the land I will show you." Many times, I wish I had heard that call earlier in my life, but God knew He had to do some pruning in my life. In 2005, it was time. I submitted. In His time. It wasn't too late for me, it's not too late for you. He may call you specifically one day. Just be ready to go where He asks you, with hands and a heart open to His will.

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