Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Church Planter Updates

Seriously, two months since my last post. We have seen some great things happening with our church planters here, so I thought I really needed to post the updates. *I'll use initials to indicate them.

PW* is leader of one large city church. There is 12 people from his church that have a hospital and prison prayer ministry. On one visit, the group met a man at a hospital who inquired of them. He was interested when they said they follow Jesus, and he invited the group with PW* to his village to share good news. 60 people showed up to hear the good news, and all were very happy hearing it. 17 people took baptism from the group, including the man that brought them to the village. PW* began sharing the things he is learning in our group and he went out and shared Jesus in 8 different places- each one is now getting discipleship and meeting for church.

RK* went to a new village and has been sharing with the people. Now, between 40-50 people are meeting for prayer and listening to bible teaching. He has been getting calls from surrounding areas for him to come and teach and pray in their village. In his home church, he has been teaching the things we are learning in our group. For years, the local church has had outside pastors come in and give baptism to new believers. Last month, because of RK's teaching, the pastor of the church gave baptism to 7 people. Now for the first time, they have taken authority to do things on their own.

CS* visited 7 new places searching for men of peace. He has found 3 places open to hearing the Gospel. A husband and wife took baptism and have been taught how to share their story to others in their village. 12 other people have accepted Christ and are ready for baptism. In his main church, there are 6 people who are coming regularly but are also doing Hindu rituals due to pressure from their families and neighbors. Pray for wisdom to handle this situation.

BG* has been doing ministry for years. He has started 6 churches locally in the last 5 months and is still going. He is also helping a friend of his with church planting. He shared the Gospel with one of his friends and his wife, and they accepted Christ. They are now meeting in their house for church. They haven't been taught about baptism yet, but BG said that is next. One of his churches came to him and asked if they should be giving money to the Lord. He said yes, but that they should appoint a treasurer from among them and then decide what to do with the money as a church.

SK* met one man of peace, he accepted Christ and took baptism. SK is meeting in his house and is discipling him regularly.

DS* is pastor of a church here in the city, as well as one of the leaders of the mission organization we're partnering with. He has had trouble with the believers showing much interest in coming regularly to church. DS has been helping with translation during our training meetings, and knows our training very well. He has started to implement things that we are teaching to make the churches healthy. He gave authority to one member to be treasurer of the offering, and when the church decided what to do with the money, they would have the treasurer do what the church decided. He encouraged the church to appoint a deacon to help organize worship. Another was appointed to organize fellowship. Now the believers are excited to be part of the fellowship, and have taken ownership of the church. They no longer depend on DS to do everything, but he has given authority to the church to function on its own if needed. Before, when he left town, the church would not meet. Now, when he is absent, the church meets on its own. This is what we want to see happen. Churches that are self sufficient and not dependent upon one person or organization to keep it going. The church is also ministering to their local community. A lady was badly injured by electric shock, and could not function for many days. The church reached out to help her during this time until she could get well. The local non-believers noticed the church reaching out in love to help this lady, and they are curious as to why they are taking such good care of her. They have been given a great opportunity to be the Light of Jesus to their community, and the members of the church are excited to do something together to help their local community.

Things have also been happening with some CPs from our last group. 3 of them are training other groups of CPs in different districts in addition to leading churches and other church planters of their own. There is much talk around the state that this method is the most practical and effective method to reach and multiply God's kingdom here. Please continue to pray for the faithful men and women who are impacting this place for Jesus.


Tim Patterson said...

This is great news! Thanks for sharing the updates.

barb said...

So awesome. Thanks so much for updating us all. God is so great and I am so thankful He is giving you this info to share with us. Love you all.

S.A.M. said...

Thanks guys, we are excited about these CPs really working so hard.

Anonymous said...

Very exciting!

C. Cox