Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Spiritual Warfare Hits Home

We expect the enemy to attack us here. Many times missionaries in other countries are hit with terrible persecution, sickness and sometimes even worse. We thought that spiritual warfare would attack us head on while here, and we were ready. But things are happening back home more than they are here, and it has hit us more where it hurts.
My wife's grandfather has been battling complications from a stroke he had last year. While she was able to visit him before we left for the field, his condition has worsened since we arrived and he is now getting full time care. It is hard on my wife, as she is wanting to be there, but she knows we have been called here and to stay the course. We have had other things happen among our family and friends since leaving, which grieves us more than if they were happening to us. The retired pastor of our home church as recently lapsed into full alzheimer's, where he cannot remember anything or anyone around him, and has been admitted to an assisted living facility where he will be safe. Most recent, my grandfather, has been having much back pain, so much so that he could not get out of bed. Just the other day he was admitted to the hospital because of the intense pain was not subsiding at all. We found out that he has bone cancer up and down his spinal column and also on the base of his skull. My grandmother and the rest of the family is having a hard time seeing him in such intense pain. This has really hit home for us, as now my dad's family has gathered together for support, and I cannot be there.
The enemy takes great delight in our suffering and the suffering of the ones closest to us. This suffering comes under counting the cost of being a disciple. Many times we find ourselves out in village areas wondering where we will sleep, which brings to mind Luke 9:58. But now we find ourselves worried about loved ones, and ask the question "Why are we here?" Don't get me wrong, we are not questioning our call, in fact there is nothing I would rather be doing. I am encouraged by the words of Jesus again in Luke 9:60- Jesus said, "Let the dead bury their own dead but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." I thank God for His word, in times of trouble and sorrow, He has always been there, always kept His promise to love me and provide for me and protect me and encourage me and never forsake me. His word is truth, and I will proclaim the kingdom of God to the nations, no matter what the enemy can try to hit us with, until God tells me one of two things- It is finished, or well done good and faithful servant.


J. Guy Muse said...

The enemy is always trying to discourage, distract, or divide. These three tools are something we believers have to face on a daily basis. If the enemy can use any of these on us, he will. Sometimes it's all three coming at us. But know that He has overcome the evil one. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.

Rick Boyne said...

I agree with Guy.

Within the first 6 months on the field, my mother had a radical mastecomy, my wife's mother, had 3 trips to the ER with her heart, and my father-in-law had a pacemaker installed. There were many other things that happened too, but these were the major ones.

Keep trusting Jesus. We'll be holding the ropes.

Darrell said...

SAM I am filled with compassion over your loved ones sufferings. My family has had it's own trials, and I know what it feels like. Last year we had a child die three weeks before it was due to be born.

I have not settled in my own mind how to tell the difference between the intentional attacks of the enemy and those things the Lord allows in our lives to build our faith. We know that He is in charge of everything.

For me the focus is to remember that Jesus is on the throne. That He has my back. That if He allows trouble, regardless of its source, He is allowing it in my life for my good. I trust Him. This world is not my home. We are at war. I expect many types of suffering and I am learning to be glad for it. Having said all that it still hurts. It hurts when my children are sick. It hurts when people are unkind. I don't like the hurting part.

You are in my prayers. May you and your family experience the great peace of our God and the comfort of His Spirit!

S.A.M. said...

Guy, Rick and Darrell,

Thank you for your words, and the encouragement. We will be faithful to keep Jesus out in front of us. He has brought us through so many difficulties in our lives, and has always been faithful to us no matter what. What an awesome God we serve! Bless you guys!


Unknown said...

Grams and Gramps love you all to bits and pieces--believe in your calling and pray for you always and we all feel your presence here with us.
I loved hearing from you both this week and relay your messages on to the rest of the family.
We feel God's grace and loving arms and comfort around us and Gramps, and the prayers of mighty warriors around the world!!
Stay strong, stay the course, and we will keep you in the loop here!
Love Aunt Sue

Tim Patterson said...

SAM and Family,

Your spiritual family is praying for you. You knew these days would come but it does not make it any easier. We are praying for your family and continue to pray for God's grace, strength and comfort

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Norm and I am a college student in North Dakota. I have been feeling a calling from God to go into missions and this summer I am going on a missions trip to San Diego with Campus Crusade for Christ. Hopefully this will help confirm what I have been feeling the Lord doing in my life. My question to you is this: how did you get involved in missions?

S.A.M. said...

Norm, Thanks for commenting. It is really exciting to hear that your heart is for missions when you are this young. It took me a long time for me to let God lead me and my family to where we are, and I wouldn't want to do anything else. We are out away from all friends, famliy and everything we know that is familiar to us, waaaaay out of our comfor zone. It is not by our choice we have come to where we are living, but only a choice to be obedient to Jesus, and go where He leads. I had posted when I started this blog early last year, in March about our call. Check it out if you have the chance. If I can be of any encouragement,let me know and I will contact you by email. God Bless You!