Monday, September 1, 2008

BPI- A Must for CPM Training

Well I and the family have been doing our best to survive the rains, floods, start of homeschooling BOTH kids- one in 6th and one starting Kindergarten. Tough enough on its own, but in a foriegn country, I have to admit, is a monumental task. My wife has done a great job juggling the 2 kids schooling, and my daughter has really toughed it up by being self starting- mostly. She is doing well, and getting used to doing things on her own, and then my wife checks all her work and helps her understand what she just finished. I have been home preparing for upcoming trainings, so have been able to help with some of the schooling.

We went to another city for BPI- Best Practice Institute, training Strategy Coordinators in CPM work. It was an 8 day course that our company puts on and any GCC, national CPM partner and company personnell can attend. Company personnel are required to take the course. For someone who has trouble organizing thoughts and plans of action, this gave me real tools to use in the upcoming work we are going to be doing the next year. It also gave me much clearer vision to do what God is calling us to do here, and with the daunting task of reaching 90 million strategically through our focus people group, I have a much better understanding about how CPM should work through the biblical model given by God. I am way fired up to really pour these best practices into our 14 CP's in the coming year, and as the bible says in Mark 4:26-29, God will cause the growth of the CPM whether we sleep or get up. That gives us an enormous responsibility to have faith and trust that God will bless the sowing that we do. It is an exciting time, and the BPI was just what I needed at this time. Once training starts, I and my partner will be splitting and going separate ways to meet with our CP's to train and equip them to train others to also become trainers of others (2 Timothy 2:2). I cannot wait to give updates on progress. Anyone who still reads this blog, I apologize for the lack of updates lately. Just not much going on, but when it does, you will have much to read. I promise to keep updates frequent. All I need is a promise that you would pray for us, and the task we are trying to accomplish for God.


Unknown said...

Reading the blog, praying, and loving you long-distance diligently.

Aunt Sue and Uncle Doug

PS Baby Sue is looking at me with one eye as I type this:)

barb said...

So glad to read this from you. Keep up the great blog. Love ya, Barbara

S.A.M. said...

thanks for still checking in, even though it has been a while since updating. i'll try to do better. hey sue, is baby sue saved? maybe she needs to be so she is not so creepy!

Kyle Goen said...

Still reading and keeping up.

J. Guy Muse said...

The BPI thing is new to me. Would be interested in hearing/learning more about what all it entails. Is this something you guys are doing in your region? Maybe an upcoming blogpost might be a summary of what all this entails. I for one would be interested!

S.A.M. said...

Guy, yes I think it is something in our region only. The company puts it on twice a year, and any GCC or national partner is invited to go through it. I only touched on some of the stuff it covers, but as you may figure out, you can get a lot of info in 8 days. I do need to write about it in more detail. There is so much though, I don't know if I would do it justice!

Jeanne said...

Still keeping up and praying all the time!! Good to hear from you! Can't wait for the updates as you implement all you learned!