Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I love science. I love science fiction. I am a huge Trekkie. This stuff about the Large Hadron Collider sure has come upon me quickly. I never knew they have been building this huge thing in the Swiss alps for the last 25 years. It seems pretty cool, and could probably advance science in our generation with the things they discover. Very interesting, except for the fact that there are many other scientists that believe this will bring about the end of the world. We know, as followers of Christ, Jesus said, "And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.
(Matthew 24:14).
I think, unfortunately we are far from the end. There are hundreds of thousands of UUPG's, people groups who have not heard and are not even engaged with the Gospel by anyone. So, the end is far away, and only God knows the exact time it will come. However, we rejoice as the body of Christ that we have our names registered in Heaven. And we must strive to reach those who have not heard the Good News of salvation.

Anyways, preaching aside, I wonder what it is about us boys? What is the fascination we have with taking things apart, breaking them apart to see how they work or how they can be fixed or what parts are inside? I had this fascination when I was a boy, and still have it to some degree. I would take apart my electronic racing cars, Stretch ArmStong, etc just to see what was inside those things to make them work. I never figured it out, but I had a bunch of toys that didn't work anymore because of my curiosity. My son has inherited this curiosity. He has a bunch of toys that are taken apart and do not work any more. Power Ranger figures have no arms or legs, cars have the wheels off, things like that. That makes me think of these scientists in the Alps with this contraption ready to possibly blow the top off the Swiss Alps by smashing sub-atomic particles to see what will happen, and if the Big Bang Theory is really relevant. I believe in the Big Bang Theory. I really do. I believe that God said "Let there be light, and there was light. And it was good." If that's not enough of a Big Bang Theory, lets just believe we were created by an accidental smashing of particles. That seems pretty believable! I would rather believe we were created by a loving Heavenly Father than to believe we are an accident.

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