Saturday, February 28, 2009

Change Your World View

This past week, we had our monthly meeting of the 14 we are training- a time of sharing and teaching. This meeting was probably the most meat-filled, solid life practical teaching we have had together since we have been meeting these last 6 months.

The first day, we always come together for relational time where the guys share their successes in church planting and ministry. We have seen some good growth from these guys- the kind of growth that has started from a good seed.

The second day, we taught on observing the Lord's Supper, and surprisingly many of them had some good questions- we were able to clear up their questions and confusions surrounding this sacred time that a body of believers does together. First, we asked the question of what does the Lord's Supper mean to us as believers. Then, we looked at what the Bible says about it. We all came away with a much deeper meaning of what the Lord's Supper is, and we remembered the Lord through Lord's Supper together. With this, they should be able to teach their churches the meaning of it and model it for them, so it does not lose its meaning.

We also taught on Tithing- reasons for giving, how much to give, how to give, etc. Again, many questions were raised, and we looked at scripture together to find the answers. Many times, it is easy to try to give our answers to these questions, but we forget that our authority in our lives is God and God's Word. It has been a critical time for us to instill this into these men of the importance of scripture and how it MUST guide their lives and ministry.

The last day, we brought up something we have noticed lately when spending time in the field with our guys. Our translator, who is one of the guys we are training, asked me a question about water and oil, and how many believers in this part of the world bring these things for the pastor or church leader to pray over and take them home and use them. He asked if I knew of anything in the Bible that taught on these subjects. I could only think of the passage in James 5 where it talks about the sick brother who should call the elders to pray over them, annoint them with oil in the name of the Lord for healing. I visited one of our guys soon after this, and to my surprise, while we were praying in a house, our church planter brought in a cup of water. After we prayed for the house, no one drank it and the church planter then handed the cup of water to the house owner and said something to him in the local language. It happened at another house soon after, to which I asked our translator about it. We decided to bring it up during our next meeting, because most likely there were others who were practicing this in their ministry. So, we brought it up. To our amazement, 90% said yes to the question about whether it is right to pray over water or oil for healing purposes. This led us to a discussion about worshiping or putting our faith in created things other than the creator. That when we do this, we are making the name of Jesus meaningless- we are taking the name of the Lord in vain. It is idolotry, and idolotry is a sin. The object does not have the power. God has the power to heal. The discussion opened up, and after an hour of back and forth discussion, all changed their yes's to no's- some more enthusiastically than others, but I think God's Word made its point. It is amazing what the Bible can teach us if we just open it up, read it and study it.

Like I said, this was a great time (probably one of our best) of teaching and learning together. And, even though we are teaching, we are learning right along with these guys. My team-mate and I looked at each other during many of these discussions and said-"This would never be an issue in the U.S." It is a different world we are viewing here. So much of the Bible is living itself out right in front of us here in South Asia- more so than I would ever have imagined it.

God's love and grace is enough to cover it all.

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