Friday, September 7, 2007

The Harvest is Plentiful, but...

One of the major things that hit me this week is some staggering numbers about M's and the SBC. Let me just say that Jesus is right in saying that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. There are approximately 16 million Southern Baptists in America, of which about 8 million are active members. If I were to ask what percentage of SBC members was a respectable percentage of M's that Southern Baptist Churches have sent out to the field through the IMB, would a 10% tithe be too much? What about 1%? Well, if you're already doing the math, you know that 1% would mean that we would have 80,000 M's in the field sharing the good news of Jesus. As of right now, the IMB is the largest sending organization in the world, supported by the SBC, and has 5,000 M's in the field. While many churches say that they are missions minded, how many people are our churches encouraging to be "sent out ones"? The workers are definitely few. I cannot preach too much about this, because I have been a follower of Christ for 15+ years, and only in the last couple of years have I realized the Lord's leading and calling to share His word with those who have never heard. What was I waiting for? One thing I have come to realize, is that it is a willing heart that God uses. If we are willing, He is able to do mighty things with us, even though we feel inadequate or unqualified. I have no seminary training, no church leadership experience. I am merely following a call on my life that I cannot call my own choice, and one that I cannot ignore. As Luke 9:23 says, "Then he said to them all: 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.'" I must deny myself to have a willingness to follow a call from the One who saved me, and has given me a purpose. My goal is not only to glorify God in in my life and in places He is given no glory, but to encourage others who have the privilege of being a follower of Jesus to share the good news to people who have never heard His name. Whether that is half way around the world or across town or right next door. What is God asking of your life? Are you available and willing to answer a call from Him? What are you willing to deny yourself of? Ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into His harvest field. One of those workers may just be you.


Kyle Goen said...

I am so thankful for you and your family. I am thinking and praying for you. I hope to see you soon.


Darrell said...

Amen Brother! EVERYONE is commanded to GO and make disciples. We may go to our "Jerusalem" or we may go to the ends of the earth. Regardless the very same principals you are learning and will be using in Asia are needed here. We must GO...not to church, but to the darkness as the church!

May your tribe increase!

Darrell said...

Thought of you this weekend. I was out walking in my neighborhood and met some of my neighbors. (Very difficult to do in this part of the country. Folks open their garage door drive in and close it behind them before they get out of their car.) Any way they are from northern India. They have been in the US for 7 years. We are going to have them over for dinner. I think they are Hindu. The guy had a red dot on his head I think.

The whole world has come to us! Last weekend I had dinner with Muslims from Bangladesh!