Tuesday, March 13, 2007


You know, talking to others in the mission field, I have learned that they have a great patience. Time does not flow like it does at home, and things do not happen in the same time that we are comfortable with. A simple thing like paying an electric bill takes hours, simply because the people you give your money to at the desk are on their own time, and are not ready to help you. I can see that patience is a much needed thing on the field.

Having said that, our house is still for sale, as it has been since late last summer. We have had many lookers, but not many offers. This past weekend, 3 different couples came through our house. We have had no feedback from any, although it is only a couple days later. I have had a lot of faith that God has it sold already. It has been that way through this whole process and I have had to remind my wife that it will sell in God's time, not ours. I have been patient, until now.

I guess I am starting to panic a little, even though we have until August for it to sell. There is much that must be done in the mean time to prepare ourselves for service, and the sale is the largest of all, and has taken the longest. I am praying that God is teaching me patience, and growing me in this area, and preparing me and my wife for our time overseas. Sometimes I think if I pray any more for the sale, that God thinks I'm doubting Him. Kind of like when our kids ask us for candy, and we tell them "later". They continue to ask, until we get a little annoyed. I know my God has more love than that for me. I know He doesn't get annoyed with us, but like I said, I need to be patient, and completely submit to God on this issue. This lesson will come back to me when I most need it, and I know I will look back on this time someday and think, "what was I worried about? God had that situation all along!"

I Praise you Jesus. I know your timing is perfect, and your plan for us is perfect. Forgive me for doubting that the little things are already taken care of, and help me to focus more on you during this time.


J. Guy Muse said...

Sounds like God is already fully into the process of teaching you the title of your post: "Patience"! No doubt about it, patience is one of the most needed gifts of the HS in order to survive as missionaries on the field, and so few of us possess it! Hang in there with the house situation, someone once told me, "God is often slow, but He is always on time."

Alyce Faulkner said...

I found your site through Debbie Kaufman's link.
I like to link Missionaries sites to my blog also (Guy is there) and our church regularly prays for missionaries, so we will include you on our list.
In fact, during the process of praying, we met (online) Bryan Riley and he is coming to speak at our church Sunday.
God bless you in your ministry.

S.A.M. said...

Guy, I appreciate your words very much. I just seem to be struggling with that today more than normal.
Bless you!

Alyce, Thank you for your prayers. Sorry the only thing going on with us now is us preparing for going, but we do need partners in prayer for that too. Thank you so much!

In Christ,

Darrell said...

Luke 18:1 One day Jesus told his disciples a story to illustrate their need for constant prayer and to show them that they must never give up.
2 "There was a judge in a certain city," he said, "who was a godless man with great contempt for everyone.
3 A widow of that city came to him repeatedly, appealing for justice against someone who had harmed her.
4 The judge ignored her for a while, but eventually she wore him out. ‘I fear neither God nor man,’ he said to himself,
5 ‘but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!’"
6 Then the Lord said, "Learn a lesson from this evil judge.
7 Even he rendered a just decision in the end, so don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who plead with him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?

Keep on asking Bro! I will join you!

Tiffany said...
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S.A.M. said...

WOW! Thanks Darrell. Why do I continue to ignore the one textbook that can teach me these things. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I'm concerned about so many things, but my focus needs to be on Him and The Word. I'll keep wearing Him out! Thanks.