Thursday, May 31, 2007

Celebrate Every Day

There are so many things that get us down. Sometimes we wake up in the morning already overwhelmed with what is to come, and we forget to thank God for what we could be blessed with during the coming day. Other times, we wake up in a great mood, ready for what is in store for us, thinking we have it all figured out. Then, life grabs us, and the things of the world and our busy lives choke the joy from us. We begin to lose sight of what God is doing right in our midst each and every day. We cannot see through all the "stuff" how Jesus is interceding for us, commanding His angels concerning us. We do not see the little joys that happen and pass them over like bumps in the road. Oh, yeah, every once in a while we catch a moment and are able to feel God's blessing on us, but just as quickly as it comes, we allow Satan to steal it away even quicker. So many things hinder us from enjoying life, or should I say we allow these things to hinder us. We put off so many things because of circumstances and troubles and no time. For example, a call to your parents, siblings, your uncles, aunts, cousins. Saying an encouraging word to your children. (The last one I can REALLY step on my own toes for.) We grow up so fast, and our children do as well. One day, they'll be the one's moving away, and we'll think "Wow, where did all that time go? Why didn't I enjoy those times we were together as a family before the kids grew up?" (Again, my toes are hurting!)

I wrote all this, if it makes any sense, to direct you to a post at the blog of a friend of ours I read just today. One that is filled with triumph, and heartache. It is a story with a video that everyone must see, and you will realize that WE must celebrate every day, despite our circumstances, because those circumstances and troubles will be with us until the day the Lord has pre-determined to be our last. Please go here, and remember to wake up tomorrow celebrating what the Lord is going to do with you AND for you that day and every day. (Once again, I'm preaching to myself).

"This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24


Anonymous said...

I was so profoundly awakened by Eliot and his 99 days. Thank you for mentioning it here.

Darrell said...

So often we want God to do something so bad we miss all He is doing around us every day.

Perspective is everything. Thanks SAM.

S.A.M. said...

Diana and Darrell,

Yes, we are blessed more times than we know, because we want such specific things we do miss some of the blessings. This has put many things into perspective for me as well.

J. Guy Muse said...

Moving video, thanks for sharing. It really helps put things into perspective doesn't it?