Monday, May 14, 2007

Time getting short

Wow, is our faith getting shaken! Two and a half months till FPO. We are so excited to begin the journey God has placed in our path, but time is getting short. As much as we hear, "God is going to provide. Your house may sell tomorrow or 2 months into your service. This is not keeping you from going and doing God's work." It's hard to see all the people coming to look at the house, which we've had a lot lately, but no offers. To see all the houses in our neighborhood for sale, yet more sold signs going up seemingly quicker than they are on the market. July will be 1 year our house has been on the market. As I have said, we trust in the Lord, and there are many more prayer requests more urgent than ours. Sometimes we just wonder, what's the holdup? Why don't things just move more smoothly and easily? Why do we have to sound like my 4 year old asking for something over, and over, and over, and... well, you get the idea.

God's plan is right, perfect, and on time. We are encouraged by all the prayers for our situation, which of course is not life-threatening. We understand that God will bring the people of South Asia to know him without our help. We are going on with our plans, though a little hesitantly. We have sold much furniture and none of us has any dressers, and our dining room table is gone. We will both be done with work by the end of June to give us a month to prepare, which we will be giving our notice no later than the end of this month. Please continue to pray for our house to sell soon and for us to be strengthened through all this waiting (I hate waiting!). Thank you all for your encouragements and prayers so far.


J. Guy Muse said...

In a recent post, I shared a quote heard from Dr. Jack Gray when we were in seminary at SWBTS, "Never doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light." I think these words would apply to your situation as well.

Darrell said...

Here are some verses the Lord has given me during my time of waiting for Him. This is a great time for you to grow in faith. No doubt the King is preparing you for a work that will require even more faith! PRESS ON!

Lamentations 3:25,26 The LORD is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him. So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the

Hebrews 10:35-38 Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord, no matter what happens. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. "For in just a little while, the Coming One will come and not delay. And a righteous person will live by faith. But I will have no pleasure in anyone who turns away."

James 5:7-11 Dear brothers and sisters, you must be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who eagerly look for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They patiently wait for the precious harvest to ripen. You, too, must be patient. And take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near. Don’t grumble about each other, my brothers and sisters, or God will judge you. For look! The great Judge is coming. He is standing at the door! For examples of patience in suffering, dear brothers and sisters, look at the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. We give great honor to those who endure under suffering. Job is an example of a man who endured patiently. From his experience we see how the Lord’s plan finally ended in good, for he is full of tenderness and mercy.

S.A.M. said...

Guy and Darrell,

Thanks for the encouragement. It's been a tough couple of days for some reason. I think the enemy is really attacking us right now, but one of the things I have been learning lately is not only patient faith, but to be still in His presence and listen, instead of always talking and asking. I have a hard time listening most times. Bless you brothers for your patience with me through this time, and for pointing me back where I should be looking for comfort: His Word.

Anonymous said...

Praying, praying, hard still!

Keeping pressing into HIM through the waiting......

Love you guys!