Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fishers of Men/Following Christ

Just wanted to share some thoughts on my study of Luke 5:1-11 from the other day:

As Jesus went through the countryside preaching God's Word, he came to the sea of Galilee and saw that the crowds were getting large. He didn't retreat at this time nor did he send them away. Jesus simply used what was around him- the fishermen’s boat. Contrary to what we think about this situation, his target audience was not the huge crowd, but the fishermen. He wanted to see how he was received, so he asked to use their boat to speak to the crowd from. He then rewarded them with a huge catch of fish, and revealed to them his true nature and asked them to follow him fully. Sometimes, even when we are speaking to the large crowd, our target audience is the ones with whom we have direct influence and contact with. It is many times the ones we are developing into leaders, and those we will equip for bigger purposes, in this case Peter, James and John. Your initial audience may be large, but you will have a greater impact on those few who are closest to you in relationship.

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