Thursday, December 15, 2011

Meditating on God's Word

Short thoughts on Psalm 119:1-16.

David gives us the example and the challenge to keep our ways pure by knowing the word. As stated above, we can do nothing apart from the vine, and part of that vine is The Word of God. Keep God’s statutes, and meditate or think long and hard about God’s laws and words. Blessed are those who keep his testimonies and who seek Him with their whole heart. Don’t miss this- receive God’s blessings not just by luck, but by reading and keeping His word and following the ways of those words. I was asked by one of my Thai friends if it is hard to follow all of the things in the Bible. I told him honestly that it is impossible to follow all of it, but we try. And the only way to try our best is to know what it says is by reading it, and praying and talking with God. God sets his laws up not for us to follow them all, because He knows it is impossible to do that. He set up His laws so that we can see how far separated from God we are, and nothing we do can bring us closer. God is the one who brings us closer with His word and His spirit. The work is already done, and what remains is grace. How do we know these things if we do not read, think hard on (meditate), delight in and follow His word? How do we know how to follow Jesus unless we study His Word?

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