Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Worship- Jesus & The Woman At The Well

Today, I read through one of my favorite stories (John 4:3-42). It is inspiring for all of us, no matter our situation to worship God.

So many things in this story about Jesus and His encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. My focus today, however is worship. Jesus’ conversation with her gets spiritual pretty quickly, and the woman, realizing Jesus as a man of God, asks about the differences between Jewish and Samaritan worship of God. Jews felt that true worship was in Jerusalem, while Samaritans believed they needed to worship the way their fathers did- in Samaria. Jesus immediately corrects her and states that the place to worship God does not matter, but that true worship is in the spirit. People who follow God must worship in Spirit and in truth, and that is not based on location. If location were an issue, everyone outside of Jerusalem would be worshiping God the wrong way. This is also the case when we say that one type of church denomination worships God wrong because of their singing, church building, day of worship, etc. There is no time constraints, no geographical boundaries, no perfect 4 walled structure, no specific church program needed to worship God in the correct way. Jesus says we must worship in Spirit and truth. Worship is showing our love to God, and we can show our love for God in everything we do, no matter where we are. Our lives are made to please God, and when we please God by showing our love for Him; with our worship. We show ourselves as followers of God to others as worshiping in Spirit and truth, not in rules and regulations according to religion and tradition. Worship God right where you are! The Samaritan woman did- she showed her love for God, not worrying about her reputation, by sharing her new found faith in Christ with all her townspeople. Many Samaritans believed in Jesus at that time because of the woman’s testimony. Can you show God that you love Him by sharing your testimony about how God loves you today? Everyday?

1 comment:

Rick said...

How true this is. Well said Steve!