Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Vine and the Branches/Abiding in Christ

More thoughts from my daily time in the Word- John 15:1-11

Staying connected to the vine- Jesus and His word. When we decide to follow Jesus and be fishers of men, we must stay connected to Him. If we are apart from Jesus and His word, we can do nothing, for then we are trusting in ourselves and not God. Reading the Word and talking/praying to God daily are two ways we stay connected to the vine. When we are connected to the vine (GOD) we begin to bear fruit that God wants us to bear, and in this way we show everyone that we are Jesus’ disciples. We cannot do this by ourselves, even though we might have great knowledge of scripture and God’s law. Simple knowledge is not enough, we must listen to God and his Spirit which guides us in the ways we must go. I will bear no fruit apart from the vine. When I do not bear fruit, I am not able to show that I am a disciple of Christ. Servants do not know their master’s business. We are friends of God, and we are all about our Father’s business, and He has revealed that business to us- it's no secret! He has left it to us to carry out, and our main task is to glorify God over all things. We cannot glorify Him if we do not know His business. We do not know His business unless we trust in His spirit to guide us in carrying it out.

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