Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Holy Spirit's Purpose

John the Baptist was preparing the way for Jesus in the desert, and he begins to teach and speak of what the Holy Spirit is. The story is in Matthew 3:1-17.

Talking about the Holy Spirit is a difficult thing to do, and it can be easily mis-interpreted, misunderstood and miscommunicated. Especially in a culture that believes that spirits, good and bad, control what happens in a person’s life. It’s also hard to explain the Holy Spirit in a culture that has a casual belief in Jesus- to them it just sounds weird to talk about it. Then, there is the issue of people who believe in more than one God, and they are confused about Christians who talk about God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. This makes people, like Hindus, think that we as Christians believe there are 3 different gods. Here is how I can best explain it the way I understand it: There is God’s essence, or His being which we call the Father. There is His human image, who came to earth to live among us in the person of Jesus. And, God has a Spirit, but God’s Spirit is something that we can carry within us. That is what John means when he says we will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Being baptized in water is an outward symbol of us turning away from our sins and following Jesus- an outward expression of the change that happens on the inside. When we decide to follow Jesus, God’s Spirit comes into us, and we are immersed in it and the it lives within us (2 Timothy 1:14). As John was baptizing in the desert, the religious leaders came out to see what he was doing, and thought that by just being there and going through the motions, they could show that they were part of this new God movement and get some salvation also. John calls them out for their hypocrisy; that by going through the motions, you cannot just call yourself a person who follows God. You must also follow through in your heart. God is the only one who knows our heart besides us. We can fool other people, but we cannot fool God. He gives us His Spirit when we decide to really follow Him, as John says- we are baptized with the Holy Spirit. The very instant we confess and believe (Romans 10:9), we are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit of God (Ephesians 1:13), and it is what helps us do what we must do to follow God and testify and proclaim that Jesus is Lord. Acts 1:8, Jesus says that when we receive the Holy Spirit, we will have power, and have the ability to be His witnesses wherever we go, even to the ends of the earth.

Here are some examples of how the Holy Spirit within us helps us: The Spirit teaches us what to say (Luke 12:12); His Spirit speaks for us (Mark 13:11); The Spirit reminds us of Jesus’ teachings and helps us live according to it (John 14:26); Our joy comes from the Holy Spirit (Luke 10:21); it fills us with hope (Romans 15:13); The Spirit helps us pray (Jude 1:20). God’s Spirit is very important to us as believers- it’s not to be ignored or feared, but to be welcomed, released and depended upon so we as followers of Jesus can do what we have been called by God to do. We don’t do it alone- God’s Spirit helps us (John 14:16).

I struggle with talking about the Holy Spirit, and communicating clearly some of the things in the Bible about him. My main scripture study is about John the Baptist and him preaching on the Holy Spirit, but I have included many other Bible verses that explain more about the Holy Spirit and what his purpose is. Please comment and add any scripture verses as you see fit that I have probably missed that can help explain better. Thanks for reading, and God bless!

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